Welcome to PCCC Children's Ministry!

Our mission is to guide children to learn, believe, accept and share God’s Word. Children’s Church is designed for children to learn on their level and in an atmosphere suitable for their specific age groups. We look forward to partnering with you in believing for God’s highest and best result in your child’s life.

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Children will be dismissed from the Sanctuary at the conclusion of the Sunday morning praise and worship on 1st through 3rd and 5th Sundays. Our classrooms have signs designating the age groups for each class. The 1st through 6th grade class is dismissed at the conclusion of the sermon to give the children the opportunity to join their family in the Sanctuary for the final song of the Service. The children in the nursery and 4- & 5-year-old class stay in their designated areas for children to be picked up by their parents or guardians at the conclusion of the Service.

4th Sundays are designated as “Family Worship Sunday” and children 4 years old through 6th grade will stay in the Sanctuary with their parents or guardians for the entire service. The nursery is available for children 3 years old and younger.

Nursery staff are available for drop off starting at 9:30am on Sunday mornings. Upon arrival you will need to sign your child in with one of the caregivers in the nursery. Nursery staff will be available through the conclusion of the Service.

Nursery – Infants through 3 years

Sunday School – 4- and 5-year-old class

Sunday School – 1st through 6th grade class


The Children’s Ministry team would again like to welcome you! Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact: children@pccowboychurch.org